Collaborations and Gateways for Client Housing:

  • Santa Barbara Restorative Policing Team

  • Santa Barbara Homeless Court; Public Defenders Office

  • New Beginnings Safe Parking Program

  • Santa Barbara County Public Health
  • Cancer Center Santa Barbara
  • Coordinated Entry System Santa Barbara
  • Community Solutions (Day Reporting Center)
  • Including contracted agencies listed

Contracted Partnerships:

WillBridge contracts with the following agencies:

1. Behavioral Wellness of Santa Barbara: WillBridge provides housing (room & board) for nine mental health clients

2. Santa Barbara County Probation Department: WillBridge provides housing (room & board) for parolees participating in the early Release Program (AB109)

3. Cottage Hospital: WillBridge provides medical respite/housing for homeless individuals recuperating from surgery or in treatment for a major illness

4. Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara: Provides subsidized housing for up to ten WillBridge residents who are required to pay 30% of their income

5. Santa Barbara County Housing & Community Development: Provides funding for WillBridge residents in the Emergency/Transitional housing program and Permanent Supportive Housing Program

6. US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): provides subsidized housing for eight residents - Funding ended June 30, 2019

7. Santa Barbara City Community Development & Human Services: Provides Funding for WillBridge Emergency/Transitional Housing Program